Friday, February 21, 2014

Self-Inking Rubber Stamp Bonanza

Since the wonderful donation from the wonderful Kat Lamp, I haven’t been looking for as many magazines at thrift stores. Haven’t even bothered to thumb through gigantic piles just to find that one old Life, or Better Homes and Gardens. The coffers are full and I’m enjoying ripping things out of forty year old magazines without worry for running out. But today, I went to the Habitat for Humanity in Lexington and found a whole collection of old office supplies. Finding these sorts of items outside of The Scrap Exchange in Durham is very rare. Even better is that all of these items cost less than fifteen dollars. I would have paid that much just for the self-inking stamps and been happy about it. The guy behind the counter, who seemed to recognize me, even let me know that his store his small art shows for local artists. I doubt anyone would be interested in my silliness but it’s great to see folks making an effort in my small hometown.


Vizma said...

SCORE!!!! I love days like this!! Well done.

zzzzzzzz said...

Strangely enough Vizma, I found even more strange self-inking stamps.

Unknown said...

That's Great I see here. I found a lot of variety of different Self inking stamps and don't know how much I found here.