Thursday, December 19, 2013

My 2013

I’m going to call an end to the mail art year. I’m going to save up any creations for the New Year, maybe try and send out a large amount in January. Although I ended up sending out 255 mail art pieces, my total is a few less than last year, I think. On top of the postcards I sent at least forty or fifty zine packages and other random bits of garbage which I need to add to the total. Everything goes in the total for 2014, that’s a resolution.
Not counting everything makes it look like I received a lot more than I sent out, which isn’t even close to being the case. The official “got” total was 265…not bad at all. It was nice to correspond to a bunch of new people this year and keep up regular correspondence with people I’ve sent mail art to for as long as I’ve sent mail-art. It’s nice to continually check in with these folks, see what they’re creating and where they’re vacationing. Although I don’t know any of these people personally, I feel like I know a lot about them.
These last two images are of my zine notetaking. I’ve posted all of the contributors to the mail-art zine as well the folks who said they were interested in my other items. I’ve even noted how much people donated, when I kindly asked for a few monies to offset the amount of postage. I probably shouldn’t have done this, but I spent a couple hundred dollars sending these things out, so…The start of the New Year will bring about two new zines and a lot more mail-art. First I have to finish those zines and those pieces.

2 comments: said...

Your records are a lot better than mine, Jon. It has been great fun trading mail art with you. Hope to continue in 2014.

zzzzzzzz said...

I'm kind of an organizational freak when it comes to such things. People always comment on how my office desk looks...clean. Of course we shall continue, for sure my friend. I'm going to mail out a mass of stuff in the new thirty things.